
A Java 3D Physics Engine & Library


Source Code

The releases are available as maven artifacts and ZIP files. The latest source code is available via git here.

Please keep in mind that the code is ported from C/C++ and does therefore often not obey common Java coding practices.
Also I avoided cleaning up the code too much, in order to simplify migration to newer ODE releases.

ode4j is organised as an hierarchical maven project with the following sub-projects:
  • core: This is the core code containing all functionality to run physics simulations.
  • core-cpp: This provides an optional additional static C-like API (which is the preferred API in ODE for C/C++). It can be used for reference (most of the ODE docs refer to the C-like API) or when migrating projects from C/C++ to Java.
  • demo: This repository provides additional code for developers like demos, sources, javadoc and test harnesses. The demos are updated versions of the 'demo-cpp' demos, such that they only use the 'core'-API.
  • demo-cpp: This contains a the same demos as 'demo', however they use the 'core-cpp'-API.
  • parent: This is the parent maven project.


The 'core' library requires currently no other libraries except Java 6 SE JVM or later.
The 'demo' and 'demo-cpp' packages require lwjgl-2.0.1 or later (confirmed with 2.7.1) for the 'drawstuff' package used in the demos. They require lwjgl.jar and lwjgl_util.jar. Please don't forget to include the .jar file and the binaries into your eclipse project. Binaries can be included in eclipse by right-clicking on your project, then navigate to "Build Path"->"Libraries", then unfold the lwjgl.jar and add the folder that contains the binaries for your platform.
The 'demo' package also requires JUnit 4.5 for the test harnesses.

Licensing & Copyright

This library is under copyright by Tilmann Zäschke (Java port), Russell L. Smith (copyright holder of the original ODE code), Francisco Leon (copyright holder of the original GIMPACT code) and Daniel Fiser (copyright holder of the original libccd).

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of EITHER:
(1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser General Public License is included with this library in the file LICENSE.TXT.
(2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in the files ODE-LICENSE-BSD.TXT and ODE4j-LICENSE-BSD.TXT.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files LICENSE.TXT, ODE-LICENSE-BSD.TXT, GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT, GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT, ODE4J-LICENSE-BSD.TXT and LIBCCD_BSD-LICENSE for more details.


© Copyright 2014 Tilmann Zäschke [ode4j AT gmx DOT de]