
A Java 3D Physics Engine & Library



The demos are rather slow, why?
A:The ODE drawstuff library is only meant to visualize the demos. They have never been optimized much for performance and are therefore rather slow. This is NOT a problem with lwjgl.

Q: Up to version 0.12.0-j1.4 cylinder collision causes problems, why?
A: Cylinder collision is somewhat problematic ion ODE 0.12.0. To solve this one can use the alternative libCCD cylinder colliders. They can be enabled by calling OdeConfig.setLibCCDEndabled(true) before doing anything else. From version 0.12.0-j1.4 on, libCCD will become the default collider.

ode4j documentation
This only contains ported javadoc and documentation specific to the Java version of ODE. For documentation on physics and mathematics please refer to the 'ODE documentation' further down.

The demos in the source code provide good examples for many applications
Bugs can be reported here. ode4j also has a small wiki.

ODE documentation
ODE docs
ODE community



Further links:

Performance & Multi-Threading

ode4j has some Java performance optimisations, leading to a significant differences to the original code, mostly with respect to the handling of DVector3 and DMatrix3 classes. More improvements are on the way.
For evaluating performance, please do NOT use the demos! They rely on the internal 'drawstuff' library. The way in which drawstuff uses OpenGL is not optimal. While this does not affect performance much under C/C++, it severely affects performance when using the Java-OpenGL API provided by lwjgl. In other words:
  • When profiling any of the included demos, you will see that most of the time is spent in OpenGL calls (at least on my SUSE 11.1 64bit system / ATI Radeon HD 3850).
  • As far as I can tell, this is not a problem with lwjgl, but could be fixed by optimizing 'drawstuff'.
  • To profile ode4j, please use applications that do not use drawstuff. To profile the existing demos, drawstuff can be disabled by calling DS_API.dsSetOutputNull() at the beginning of any demo.
  • ode4j is in certain cases faster that ODE. I have investigated this only briefly, but I have the impression that Java can draw its advantage from using the garbage collector for arrays. This means de-allocation in Java occurs in a 2nd thread in parallel to computations, while in C/C++ de-allocation (which is expensive) occurs in the main thread.
The ODE threading model has been partly ported, but is not fully there yet. So far there is only a simple approach to multi-threading support by avoid mutable static fields. That means ode4j can be used in a multi-threaded environment under the following conditions:
  • Any particular world should not be used be more then one thread at a time, reading or writing
  • Multiple worlds can be used in concurrently by multiple threads as long as every world is only access by a single thread at a given time
  • A world can be passed around (and then used) between threads simply by passing on the reference (this is unlike ODE in C/C++)
  • The method OdeHelper.allocateODEDataForThread(int) does not need to be called as it does nothing (and never did). Actually it will be removed in one of the next releases.
  • OdeHelper.init2(...) needs to be called only once per application, not for every thread (in fact, calling it multiple times should fail).
  • OdeHelper.init2(...) needs to have returned before any thread uses ode4j.
  • A future release may introduce more powerful multi-threading.

Differences to ODE for C/C++

  • API: The preferred API of the ODE projects appears to be the C API (it is more complete and contains all the documentation). The preferred API in ode4j is the OO-API.
  • Class names all start with a 'D' rather than 'd'.
  • The d***ID types have not been ported. Simply use the according D*** interfaces. Also, the type hierarchy has changed, the D*** classes are now interfaces that are implemented by the according Dx*** classes.
  • Main access points in ode4j are OdeHelper (initialisation methods and a factory for creating most classes), OdeConfig (for configuration) and OdeConstants (providing many of the contants used in ode4j).
  • Some of the math has been moved inside the DVector3 and DMatrix3 classes.
  • ode4j provides DVector3C and DMatrix3C interfaces that provide immutable encapsulation.
  • All global methods have the leading 'd' removed and the 2nd letter lowercased. Most of the global methods can be found in OdeHelper. For example: dInitOde2(...) -> OdeHelper.initOde2(...).
  • All 'create' methods have the 'create' moved to the beginning: OdeHelper.createMass().
  • To find the Java method name for a global C method, one can usually remove the dClassName from the beginning and remove the first argument, for example dJointAttach( myJoint, b1, b2 ) becomes myJoint.attach( b1, b2 ). This is also valid when looking for C++ function names in ODE itself.
    Another example: dJointSetPistonAnchor ( piston, ... ); becomes piston.setAnchor ( ... ); .
  • Unlike ODE, the preferred policy for getting complex values from an object is not to pass in an empty array:
    DVector3 result = new DVector3();
    box.getSides( result )
    but to return an immutable object:
    DVector3C result = box.getLengths(); //The trailing 'C' on DVector3C and other classes indicates and constant / immutable object.
    In many cases this avoids creating unnecessary temporary objects and also makes the code more compact. It also avoids a possible spelling mistake, when typing 'g' instead of 's' (get <-> set).

Migration Guide

The migration guide is not only for migrating code from C/C++ to Java, but also for better understanding the existing documentation.

© Copyright 2014 Tilmann Zäschke [ode4j AT gmx DOT de]